» » Police Women of Dallas

Police Women of Dallas Online

Police Women of Dallas  Online
Original Title :
Police Women of Dallas
Genre :
TV Series / Reality TV
Type :
TV Series
Rating :
Police Women of Dallas Online

Police Women of Dallas follows several female officers as they patrol the more dangerous streets of Dallas. They sometimes work alone and have to deal with some pretty intense situations while the show also follows two loveable and funny partners. They may be cute, but these girls can all hold their own! If I had to create a tag line for the show, it would surely be:"Cute, Cunning, & Courageous Cops"The show also shows the personal side of these officers as they follow them on the streets and at home.

User reviews

lets go baby

lets go baby

I love this show. These women are great officers. I watch the show every time it's on. These women are tough but fair.


First off, this is a horrible idea for a TV show. This is nothing more than a Cops rip-off, with a cliché "you go girl!" spin to it. This wouldn't be as much of an issue if there was a "Police Men of Dallas" TV show also made. But the fact that there isn't, shows that it's pro-female sex discrimination against men, if men aren't allowed to have their own show (but women are). Also, would you ever see the description "Cute and Cunning" for the Cops TV show? No way. Looks and the ability to be deceitful should never enter the equation for being hired to do such a job.

Now, on to the acting. There is no comparison to the classic Cops show. The women on this show really play up their acting and emotions for the camera (and the attention), while on Cops, the officers are much more professional and make their jobs the main focus. The women on this show seem to be immature caricatures of what real officers should be - being hardheaded when they don't have to be, issuing citations for every little thing (even to what seemed like homeless people), and at times having the attitude of a tyrant with the "Don't Make Me Tase You" mindset. It's like this TV show tries to point out that these women police officers are trigger-happy and are not suited for the job (rather than being calm and level-headed when facing potentially dangerous situations). Going by this behavior, it's almost as if these women are compensating for something. It would be laughable if it wasn't so needlessly reckless. The creators of this show should have chosen better-suited people for the role.

Another issue I have with this show is that it feeds into the false narrative that women are just as capable as men (physically and mentally) to be going into dangerous and demanding professions like in this show. This does not mean they are less valuable, just that men and women have different strengths. Studies show that women take much longer than men to psychologically get over traumatic events that happen in dangerous situations. There is also the fact that women cannot compare physically with men - so they will not be able to chase a suspect on foot for as long, or may resort to unnecessary lethal force in a physical altercation when a male officer could have physically subdued the suspect. Not only do I feel that these short-comings were poorly accounted for in this TV show, they were outright ignored or made out to be the opposite of reality. There is the message that women who cannot live up to what is falsely portrayed in this show (being just as physically and mentally tough as men) are somehow inferior, when really it's all just a bunch of false, impossible standards.

There is a reason that this show did not continue that long (was not renewed by the network), and that is because this show so bad that it is not worth renewing.

Overall, the concept of this show is unoriginal and the episodes show the main characters to be unsuited for the job.